There are many questions that visitors to Madinal usually ask. They include questions like: What is the famous thing of Madina? Which is the most special place of Madinah? How many Ziyarat are there in Madinah? Well, we collected here the 7 Top Places to Visit in Madinah
Before you consider places to visit in Madinah, you need to be aware of 2 important things:
1- Only Muslims are able/allowed to enter Madinah and Makkah. Because of their religious importance, most of the places you can visit are related to Islam matter. Find out more about the 8 Important Things You Must Know Before Visiting Saudi Arabia.
2- You may need to have a visa before visiting Saudi Arabia. We created an ultimate guide to Saudi visas from here.
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Al Masjid an Nabawi

One of the most important Places to visit in Madinah is Al Masjid an Nabawi. It is considered to be the second largest one in Saudi Arabia. It is expected to accommodate 1.6 million worshipers after the completion of the current expansions by 2040. Muslims visit it mainly for the grave of the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him and his friends.
The size of Masjid an Nabawi is about 98,300 m2. The space around it is approximately 175,500 m2. Currently, the capacity of it is around 487,000. The parking capacity is about 4,322. It has over 2,700 toilets around it. Monthly, the government provides over 15,000 Tonne of Zam Zam water to this masjid.
Masjid Quba
The second most important Places to visit in Madinah is Masjid Quba. This is the first Masjid that was built in Islam. Also, it is the second biggest Masjid after Al Masjid an Nabawi. It was built by Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him when he arrived in Madinah after he left Makkah.
Since, Muslims and generations paid attention to it. Recently, the government of Saudi Arabia announced the biggest development of its capacity. They target a capacity of about 66.000 people.
Jannatul Baqi
The third recommended Place to visit in Madinah is Jannatul Baqi. It is located near to Al Masjid an Nabawi. It is the Gravs of Muslims since Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. It is historically important. It includes graves of Muslims who contributed to the Battle of Badr. Also, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, Ruqayyah, was buried there. It is known to consist of 10,000 important graves of friends and family members of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.
Note: it is a large and open area. You need to pay attention to the time you pick before visiting it. This is especially true when visiting it during the summer. The weather would be hot.
Masjid Al Qiblatayn
If you are looking for more Places to visit in Madinah, you must visit Masjid Al Qiblatayn. Muslims usually pray in the direction of Makkah (To the black stone). Before that people used to pray in the direction of Masjid Al Aqsa (in Palestine) before the order came from Allah to switch the direction to Kaaba in Makkah (the black stone). That makes the prayer direction to be switched and it has 2 sides. This is where the name (“Qiblatayn”) came from. It means 2 directions of praying. The Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him prayed half of his prayer in the North direction (Masjid Al Aqsa) and the order came in the middle of his prayer to switch to the Makkah direction (Kaaba).
It is located west of Madinah. It is about 4 km from Al Masjid an Nabawi.
Masjid of Badr
During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him built it. Masjid of Badr is located in the area where the Battle of Badr happened. The Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him was used during the battle to manage his army. They won by the end of it. It is also called Masjid Areesh. The name came after the way it was built via the Palm branch.
King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex
The King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex has embarked on a project to create a digital version of the Qur’an, faithfully replicating the text from the holy city of the Prophet. This digital initiative transforms the Qur’an into a readily accessible format for the modern world.
If you would like to know how the Quran is written and printed, then we selected one of the most important Places to visit in Madinah. The King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex.
Uhud mountain
In the north of Madinah, the Uhud mountain is located. This mountain is important because of its religious importance where the battle of Uhud happened. Uhud Mountain is approximately 1,077 m high and 7.5 km long.
After the Battle of Uhud, many Muslims were buried in this area such as Hamza Ibn Abdelmotaleb, the uncle of The Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.
To sum up, there are many Places to Visit in Madinah. Because of its religious importance, most of these places are interesting to Muslims. However, there are a lot of famous restaurants and malls to visit as well.
If you have any suggestions for places to visit or questions, please type them in the comment below.